Greetings ~
For just about as long as there has been people to bury, there's been boxes to put them in. Of course, there has been situations where no caskets were at hand. So the body was simply wrapped up in a covering and put in the hole.
In the old west, during wagon trains, when granny died of the fever, the wagons were stopped somewhere on the prarie and granny was wrapped in a sheet and layed into her grave. On board ships, wood wasn't always at hand for a nice coffin. So again the body was wrapped up and shoved overboard. Wow, the sharks must have thought it was Christmas. Their holiday meal floating down and gift wrapped to boot.
But caskets, or coffins, have become very important for the funeral process and, as time goes on, they have gotten more and more crazy. Today caskets are all the rage with the younger set. We older folks are getting too close to using them, so we're not as excited about them as the younger generation.
This blog highlights some of the strange and downright weird and crazy caskets on the market today. There's nothing like being sent off in style.